Sunday 8 February 2015

Okay, seriously, why is it taking so long!?

I guess things have really changed since I first started to subtitle Marie Antoinette. It's not a bad thing, not at all, but things are super busy. I've started at a university with a very high work load. I've moved to a new country with all the things that come from that. I live in an apartment block with my friends which means that social activities have also increased. General free time - and sleep time - rather thin on the ground.

Yeah, as normal, if you're interested in what's going on in this general life of mine then there's a link to my personal blog above... I'm not going to bore you with it here.

However, all that said, there is movement with Marie Antoinette. As I type, the whole second act is roughly timed. I'm working on translation and, really depending on how many challenges there are in the language and how many moments I can steal in general life... you should start seeing some updates very soon.

Thanks for bearing with me and I'll try and keep you in the loop a bit more.

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