Saturday 11 May 2013

Exams and some more questions, a.k.a. Havanah clears out her inbox!

Youtube Gitches
So, I just updated my channel style on youtube and find that people have been leaving me the most delightful comments for the last few years which, for some reason, I wasn’t able to access. Genuinely, one update a few years ago I lost my ability to look at channel comments, assumed it was a lost feature, and never thought that people could be writing to me via them! I have therefore decided to do a generic reply here to the common questions (although I hope to contact everyone individually too, that might take a while!)

To the people who say thank you for my subbing Elisabeth/Rebecca. You are more than welcome. Thank you for your kind words and if you get the chance to see it live do!

I’m hoping to finish the new translations of Elisabeth soon. Actually, Act One is finished and Act Two just needs some formatting but I probably won’t do this until after my final exams end in late June.

I do have the DVD of Elisabeth but, being an utter technophobe, I had to get one of my friends to get me the file. I dunno if they ripped it from my DVD or downloaded it! I’m not good with technology.

I have looked at doing Tanz Der Vampire and am definitely creating an English libretto because I’ve already started that!

If you want to download the files off of youtube to watch on your computer then I’m not going to have a problem with that. As always, I won’t send out files and I certainly won’t send high quality video out. It’s that horrible balance of making the musicals accessible but not creating something to replace the buying of the DVD.

And I think that’s it!

Exams (yuk)
Well, I've already done my two theatre performance exams but from next week the writing exams start. I will be around online but I will not be uploading any videos, translating anything (okay, maybe some little things), or painting/drawing at all until after the 18th of June. Yes, it's painful for me too. I simply can't allow myself to take on any major projects because I will get distracted and, these being my final exams, I cannot allow that to happen.

That said, please do say hello to me every now and then... human company keeps me sane!

Friday 3 May 2013

General updating malarkey!

Oh livejournal, how I have neglected you and how much life has gone by since I last wrote here.

In all fairness, I first started this to help keep people up to date with my subbing and with the 'translator's notes'. I've now got a facebook page for the subbing updates, and am still using the forum. I guess the translator's notes will still go here though.

And as for my subbing, yes I have fallen behind... terribly behind. So, here's a summary of the last six months or so as means of an excuse!

I went to Budapest again.
My house flooded.
I restarted at college.
I started my dissertation.
I started to subtitle Marie Antoinette.
I visited Austria, saw the musical Elisabeth, met with my dear friend.
My house flooded.
I finished my dissertation 1st draft.
My house flooded.
I started writing a play for my drama course.
My house flooded.
Landlord said he wanted us out.
Important exams.
Started rehearsing for a different play.
Started to be ill.
Managed to upload the first part of Marie Antoinette FINALLY
Moved out and started living in travelodges.
Got more ill (pneumonia, joy of joys)
Got mostly better.

So, I'm currently doing my last year of college, living a nomadic lifestyle, frantically rehearsing for my play which is being performed in about a week (the 13th) and for the other play, while still a little ill.

No, I don't believe it either!
So do I have a good enough excuse for the absence? hehe

On the plus side I am very excited for my play, and exceptionally stressed. Everything about it was done by me and a classmate from writing to lighting to acting. It's a short about friendship and mental health and it's quite, erm, chaotic, shall we say. There's a lot of stuff in it including costume changes between each scene for all characters and freaky makeup applied onstage. There's dance, there's fight scenes (fisticuffs!), there's guitar, there's German. Someone decided to bite off more than they could chew. Anyway, I might be able to get some photos up on here at some point and I'll post how it goes on my personal facebook if not here.