Sunday 28 December 2014


As you've no doubt noticed, I have been completely and utterly absent. My ideas of continuing with subtitling while at university, well, they were foolish. The workload is intense, to say the least, and I have been flung through my first term hardly knowing where I was. I've loved it, of course, but time has flown with nothing happening on the subtitling front. If you want to know what's going on in my life generally (and to work out how busy I really am!) then I'm adding a link to my personal blog in the menu bar above.

I had actually planned to do all of Marie Antoinette Act Two over the Christmas break but I plugged in my hard drive once I got back to England and it promptly broke. While this is not the end of the world as I do have a back up in the Netherlands, it does mean I can't really do anything during the Christmas break. Actually, I have two back ups in the Netherlands... I've been through the pain of lost files before. Here, however, well, I don't even have the video to work from. I'm starting to see the benefit of internet based file back ups.

Anyway, I am still thinking about it and working on it and will get a part uploaded as soon as is possible. Truly sorry about the delay.

Once Marie Antoinette is finished I do plan to continue translating and subtitling but I also plan to rethink how I go about doing that so that I don't leave you all waiting for months and months.